Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Not a dirty word, but somehow embarrassing to admit. I need to get used to saying it. However, if I had cancer, I also wouldn't want to go around telling everybody, I have cancer. What could they do? But definitely it interferes with the progress on my quilt. I did make two little houses, for the bottom, and planned the third. Can start sewing the pieces together that I laid out before New Year's Eve.

It is now the second week of January, and I have done little.  My excuse is that I have been getting ready for the MH trip.  Now that we have left, perhaps I can get back to doing stuff on my projects.  One good thing, I couldn't bring everything, so the number of possibilities is somewhat limited.

I have made a list of the projects in process and the yarn and fiber stash I brought on the Motorhome trip. I plan to check them off as I complete each project. And I plan to count fiber into yarn as a project of its own, as well as yarn into Finished Object.

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