Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PLEASE commenet

Although this is the blog that nobody reads, it  does show a download or two.  If you are out there, please comment.  I would so like to hear from you.

Another week, another few inches of progress on the quilt.  And a better handle on my depression.  Upped my medication as I have enough until the next refill. 

Can't remember mentioning this previously, however, I was supposed to take two starting Oct. 1, and I did that through December, not that it helped all that much.  Then I noticed that I didn't have enough to take two through January, and can't reorder until 1/26/2011, so had to cut back rather than run out.  NOT GOOD.  So I was taking one a day, but recounting, I can take one and a half and not run out. 

Why, you ask, don't I just call the doctor and get more?  Evidently when I visited her in the fall and she rewrote the prescriptions, she only made the Zoloft one a day.  Which is fine starting in about February, but not for now.  Well, I'm depressed, duh.  And just couldn't make myself pick up the phone.  Stupid, I know.  but 


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